Epic Fail – Redux

Epic Fail – Redux

A while back a shared a post about my  utter failure with making Healthy Chocolate Cake. If you have forgotten, please let me remind you…img_3749.pngWow, just wow. I thought I would give them a try again, this time using an ingredient more in line with the original recipe. Einkorn wheat. “Wait,” you’re probably thinking, “but you are gluten free!”

I have been doing some reading and something I discovered is that most people aren’t actually gluten intolerant. Yes, there are people with Celiac’s, which is a very real, very serious disease that makes you unable to process gluten. Recent studies, however, have shown that most people have trouble with wheat due to the chemical glyphosate, (also commonly known as Roundup) that is sprayed on most wheat crops a week or two before harvest. Sadly, even most organic wheat receives the same treatment. See this article about toxic wheat. It recommended a wheat product that I purchased from Amazon and this is my first wheat in almost 4 months. I will let you know how it goes…

Anyway, on to the recipe. This time they came out of the oven really nicely.  If you want the recipe, see my post from May 10, 2017 “Fail Level… EPIC!”They looked like cupcakes this time! They smelled amazing. Last time I didn’t even bother making the “frosting” since they were such an abysmal failure. This time, I was really hopeful!I followed the recipe exactly. I used a mix of macadamias, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, as well as almond milk.

Here is the final product:The verdict? Meh

They are moist, and cakey, but not the most delicious thing ever. Yes, they are refined sugar free (they are made with dates, beets, carrots, applesauce and banana as the sweetener), so they are definitely better for you than processed, sugar filled dessert. The frosting is a bit bitter and not very creamy. It was a bit of a disappointment. I think next time I will stick with nice cream when I am in the mood for dessert.

Back to the drawing board.

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